

词汇 refuse
refuse1 | BrE rɪˈfjuːz, AmE rəˈfjuz | A. transitive verb (decline) 拒绝 jùjué he refused to leave 他拒绝离开 the car refused to start 汽车发动不起来 (withhold, deny) 拒绝给予 jùjué jǐyǔ the bank refused them the loan 银行拒绝给他们贷款 (turn down) 回绝 huíjué gift, offershe refused him 她拒绝了他的求婚 Riding 拒绝跳跃 jùjué tiàoyuè B. intransitive verb (in response to order) 拒绝 jùjué I asked her to leave, but she refused 我让她离开,但她拒绝了 (in response to request) 不答应 bù dāying we asked her for a day off, but she refused 我们向她请一天假,但她没有答应 (in response to offer) 回绝 huíjué he offered to drive but I refused 他提出让他来开车,我没同意 Riding 拒跳障碍物 jù tiào zhàng'àiwù




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