

词汇 register
register | BrE ˈrɛdʒɪstə, AmE ˈrɛdʒəstər | A. noun countable (of people, items, shareholders, land) 登记簿 dēngjìbù ; (of names) 名册 míngcè ; (of trademarks, companies) 注册簿 zhùcèbù a hotel register 旅馆登记簿 a register of births, marriages and deaths 出生、结婚和死亡登记簿 to be on the register of voters «name» 在选民名册上 a missing persons' register 失踪人员名册 to make an entry in a register 在登记簿上增加一条记录 to enter sth in a register 将某事物记入登记簿 to keep a register 作记录 the company must keep a register of shareholders 公司必须对股东进行登记 countable British School 点名册 diǎnmíngcè to call or take the register 点名 countable (mainly US) (cash till) 现金出纳机 xiànjīn chūnàjī to ring sth up on the register 将…记入收银机 amount uncountable and countable Music (range) 音区 yīnqū the lower/middle/upper register 低音/中音/高音区 boy trebles singing in a high register 童声男高音 uncountable and countable Linguistics 语域 yǔyù the informal register 非正式语体 a specialist register 专业语域 countable Computing 寄存器 jìcúnqì countable (mainly US) (adjustable plate) [冷暖气设备的] 节气门 jiéqimén uncountable Printing (of printed matter) 正反页对版 zhèng-fǎnyè duìbǎn in register 正反页对版的 uncountable Photography, Printing (of coloured components) 套准 tàozhǔn in register 套准的 B. transitive verb (enter or get entered on register) 登记 dēngjì name, birth, marriage, vehicle; 注册 zhùcè trademark, companyif you have a firearm, you must register it 枪支持有者必须办理登记 to register sb/sth with sb/sth; 在某人处/某处为某人/某事物登记 you are advised to register your family with a doctor as soon as possible 建议你尽快找医生登记你家人的资料 to register sb/sth for sth; 为某人/某事物登记某事物 they've registered their children for the course 他们已经为孩子们注册修读这门课 students will be registered for new courses at the beginning of term 学生们将在开学时注册修读新课程 the ship was registered in Panama 这艘船是在巴拿马注册的 formal (present) 提出 tíchū protest, objectionto register sth with sb; 向某人提出某事 he registered a complaint with the appropriate authorities 他向有关部门投诉了 (show, indicate) 显示…的读数 xiǎnshì… de dúshù temperature, pressure, speed, quantitythe instrument that registers the airspeed 显示飞行速度的仪器 the gale registered 8 on the Beaufort scale 这场大风的风力为蒲福风级8级 the earthquake registered 6 on the Richter scale 地震震级为里氏6级 formal (show) 流露出 liúlù chū emotionhis expression registered utter dismay 他的表情显得非常惊愕 he registered his disapproval by walking out of the meeting 他离开了会场以示反对 (take in) 记住 jìzhù fact; 注意到 zhùyì dào presencehe barely registered our arrival 他几乎没注意到我们到来 I registered the fact that he was late 我记得他迟到了 she suddenly registered that … 她突然注意到… (sink in) 被意识到 bèi yìshí dào it just hadn't registered that I would never see him again 我当时只是没有意识到我再也见不到他了 it suddenly registered with her that … 她突然意识到… (achieve) 取得 qǔdé success, victory, gain; 遭受 zāoshòu lossthe British team has registered its first win in the competition 英国队在比赛中首次获胜 they registered their third consecutive draw 他们连续第三次打成平局 the retail price index is expected to register a rise/fall of 0.6% this month 预计零售价格指数本月将上升/下降0.6% (of mail) 挂号邮寄 guàhào yóujì letter, parcel Printing 使套准 shǐ tàozhǔn Technology 使…对正 shǐ… duìzhèng partsto register sth with sth; 将某物与某物对正 C. intransitive verb (record name) 登记 dēngjì to register at …; 在…登记 hotel, receptionto register with sb; 在…处挂号 doctor, dentistyou need to register with the police as soon as you arrive 你一到就得到警察局登记 to register for/to do sth; 登记某事物/做某事 to register for a course 注册修读课程 have you registered to vote yet? 你办好选民登记了吗? to register as a new student; 作为新生登记注册 (be shown) «temperature, pressure, speed, quantity» 被显示 bèi xiǎnshì (be taken in) 被注意 bèi zhùyì I told her my name, but it obviously didn’t register 我把名字告诉了她,但她显然没在意 the enormity of the accident just didn't register 事故的严重性并未引起注意 to register with sb; 引起某人注意 Technology «parts» 对正 duìzhèng to register with sth; 与某物对正




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