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词汇 regular
regular | BrE ˈrɛɡjʊlə, AmE ˈrɛɡjələr | A. adjective (evenly spaced in time) 定期的 dìngqī de activity, payment, service; 均匀的 jūnyún de footstepsthe regular ticking of the clock 钟有规律的滴答声 her regular walk before breakfast 她早餐前固定要有的散步 at regular intervals 每隔一定时间 on a regular basis 定期地 regular weekly deliveries 每周固定的送货 as regular as clockwork 极有规律地 appear, wake (evenly arranged in space) 间隔均匀的 jiàngé jūnyún de milestones, lampposts, trees; 整齐的 zhěngqí de footprints, lines, patternat regular intervals or points 间隙均匀地 plant, placein regular formation 按整齐编队 march, flythe trees made regular patches of shade along the road 一路上片片树荫均匀有致 the curtains have regular vertical stripes in red and black 窗帘上均匀分布着红色和黑色的竖条 Medicine 有规律的 yǒu guīlǜ de heartbeat, breathing, bowel movements, periods (frequent) 频繁的 pínfán de a fairly regular occurrence 出现频率相当高的事情 to take regular exercise 经常锻炼 I make regular payments into a savings account 我常常往储蓄账户里存钱 (habitual) 惯常的 guàncháng de regular customers/listeners/viewers/travellers 老顾客/老听众/老观众/经常出行者 he was a regular visitor to her house 他是她家的常客 a regular offender 惯犯 to be regular in one's habits 有固定习惯 attributive (usual) 通常的 tōngcháng de time, activity, walk; 平常的 píngcháng de pricemy regular bedtime 我通常就寝的时间 my regular doctor/hairdresser 平常给我看病的医生/为我理发的理发师 a regular sexual partner 固定的性伙伴 one of his regular haunts 他经常光顾的地方之一 sb's regular duties 某人的日常工作 to keep (very) regular hours 作息(非常)有规律 (conventional) 传统的 chuántǒng de method; 通常的 tōngcháng de channelsto follow regular procedures 按正常程序办事 (permanent) 稳定的 wěndìng de job, incometo be in regular use 被持久使用 to be in regular employment 有固定工作 (even) 端正的 duānzhèng de features; 匀称的 yúnchèn de pattern, design; 整齐的 zhěngqí de teeth; 规则的 guīzé de shape, pattern (mainly US) (standard) 标准的 biāozhǔn de size; 标准装的 biāozhǔnzhuāng de fries, milkshake attributive (mainly US) (ordinary) 普通的 pǔtōng de cola, pastaregular gasoline 普通汽油 pǔtōng qìyóu attributive (mainly US) informal (unpretentious) 诚实可靠的 chéngshí kěkào de he's a regular guy 他是个好人 attributive Administration, Military 正规的 zhèngguī de soldier, police force; 正规军的 zhèngguījūn de staff, officera regular civil servant 正编公务员 the regular army 正规军 Linguistics 规则的 guīzé de plural, form, endingregular verbs 规则动词 attributive dated informal (complete) 十足的 shízú de fool, idiot, villain; 真正的 zhēnzhèng de hero, genius; 彻底的 chèdǐ de mess, muddletheir dog is a regular nuisance! 他们的狗真讨厌! the whole thing was a regular disaster 整件事完全是场灾难 Mathematics 正的 zhèng de a regular geometrical figure/polygon 正几何形/多边形 B. noun countable (visitor, guest) 常客 chángkè ; (customer) 老顾客 lǎogùkè ; (traveller) 老乘客 lǎochéngkè ; (listener) 老听众 lǎotīngzhòng ; (viewer) 老观众 lǎoguānzhòng pub regulars 酒吧的常客 countable Military (soldier) 正规军人 zhèngguījūnrén countable Sport (player) 正式队员 zhèngshì duìyuán countable Radio, Television 老主持人 lǎozhǔchírén ; Theatre (performer) 正式演员 zhèngshì yǎnyuán uncountable US (petrol) 普通汽油 pǔtōng qìyóu countable US Politics (party stalwart) 忠诚党员 zhōngchéng dǎngyuán Democratic regulars 民主党的忠诚党员




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