

词汇 regulation
regulation | BrE rɛɡjʊˈleɪʃ(ə)n, AmE ˌrɛɡ(j)əˈleɪʃ(ə)n | noun countable (rule) 规定 guīdìng a set of regulations 一套规定 under the new regulations 按新规定 regulations for sth/for doing sth; 某事/做某事的章程 regulations for environmental protection 环境保护规定 regulations for granting passports to foreign nationals 向外国人签发护照的规定 strict regulations are laid down governing the use of firearms 已颁布了严格的枪支使用管理法规 to comply with the regulations «person, organization» 遵守规定 «product» 符合规定 fúhé guīdìng to follow or abide by (the) regulations 遵守规定 to meet the regulations «person, company, equipment» 符合规定 fúhé guīdìng against the or contrary to regulations 违反规定的 rules and regulations 规章制度 building/planning regulations 建筑/规划条例 traffic regulations 交通规则 college/school regulation 大学校规/校规 EU/police/government regulations 欧盟/警方/政府规定 before noun (standard) 标准化的 biāozhǔnhuà de regulation army footwear 正规的军用鞋 in regulation uniform 身穿规定制服的 of the regulation length/width 规定长度/宽度的 before noun informal (predictable) 老套的 lǎotào de a regulation parody 毫无新意的滑稽模仿作品 uncountable (control) 管理 guǎnlǐ government regulation 政府控制 strict regulation of sth 对某事物的严格管制 regulation of financial markets 金融市场的管理 the voluntary regulation of the press 新闻界的自律 uncountable (adjustment) 调整 tiáozhěng




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