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词汇 reign
reign | BrE reɪn, AmE reɪn | A. intransitive verb (rule) «monarch» 为王 wéi wáng to reign over a country 做一国君主 (be the best) 独占鳌头 dú zhàn áotóu among pianists, she still reigns supreme 在众多钢琴演奏家当中,她仍然是最杰出的 (prevail) «justice» 占上风 zhàn shàngfēng ; «violence» 盛行 shèngxíng peace reigns in the house 房子里一片宁静 chaos and confusion reigned 充斥着混乱与迷茫 B. noun (period as monarch) 君主统治时期 jūnzhǔ tǒngzhì shíqī in the reign of Queen Elizabeth the Second 在女王伊丽莎白二世统治时期 (period of power, influence) 当政期 dāngzhèngqī the dictator's reign is nearly over 独裁者的时代即将结束 during the reign of violence figurative 在暴力泛滥的时期 a reign of terror figurative 恐怖统治时期 during his reign as champion 在他保有冠军称号期间




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