

词汇 relate to
relate to A. [relate to sb/sth] transitive verb (concern) 涉及 shèjí the figures relate to last year 这些数字是去年的 everything relating to him or that relates to him 所有牵涉到他的东西 (identify with) 理解某人/某事物 lǐjiě mǒu rén/mǒu shìwù I can't relate to the painting 我看不懂这幅画 I can relate to that! 那个我懂! an image that people can relate to 人们能理解的形象 to relate to avant garde music 了解前卫音乐 B. [relate to sb] transitive verb (communicate with) 与…沟通 yǔ… gōutōng the way children relate to their teachers 孩子与老师交流的方式




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