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词汇 sweep up
sweep up A. intransitive verb 打扫干净 dǎsǎo gānjìng after you've finished in the kitchen, please remember to sweep up 你在厨房里干完活后记得打扫干净 B. transitive verb [sweep sth up, sweep up sth] (clear away with broom, brush, hand) 打扫 dǎsǎo he swept the leaves up into a pile 他把落叶扫成了一堆 [sweep sb/sth up, sweep up sb/sth] (lift) 一把抱起 yī bǎ bào qǐ person; 一把拿起 yī bǎ náqǐ object[sweep sb up, sweep up sb] (cause to become carried away) «passion, pleasure, enthusiasm, optimism» 使忘乎所以 shǐ wàng hū suǒ yǐ to be swept up in; 沉醉于 revolution, wave of nationalism




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