

词汇 swim
swim | BrE swɪm, AmE swɪm | A. intransitive verb present participle swimming past tense swam past participle swum (move through water) 游泳 yóuyǒng to swim underwater/on one's back/on one's front 潜泳/仰泳/俯游 to swim downstream/upstream 游向下游/上游 to swim across sth; 游过某物 to swim for/to the shore; 游向岸边 to swim around/away/past; 来回游动/游走/游过去 to swim in/up and down sth; 在某物中游/游来游去 to leave sb to sink or swim figurative 让某人自己去拼搏 (be immersed) 浸泡 jìnpào to be swimming in sth; 浸泡在某物中 to be swimming with sth; 充溢着某物 the meat was swimming in fat 肉油汪汪的 her eyes were swimming with tears 她眼睛里饱含泪水 (appear to whirl, reel) «scene, room, mirage» 仿佛在旋转 fǎngfú zài xuánzhuǎn ; «letters, figures, pages» 似乎在晃动 sìhū zài huàngdòng ; «head» 眩晕 xuànyùn to swim before sb's eyes 仿佛在某人的眼前晃动 B. transitive verb present participle swimming past tense swam past participle swum (perform action, cover distance) 游过 yóuguo length, mileto swim the Channel 游过英吉利海峡 (compete in) 参加…游泳 cānjiā… yóuyǒng to swim a race/event/heat 参加游泳比赛/项目/预赛 the race is swum over 10 lengths 比赛要游5个来回 C. noun 游泳 yóuyǒng to go for a swim 去游泳 to have a swim 游泳 yóuyǒng in the swim (of things) informal 合潮流




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