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词汇 swing
swing | BrE swɪŋ, AmE swɪŋ | A. transitive verb past tense, past participle swung (cause to sway) 摆动 bǎidòng arms, legs; 挥动 huīdòng objectto swing sb/sth to and fro/backwards and forwards/from side to side 来回/前后/左右摇晃某人/某物 (move in curve) 使…突然转动 shǐ… tūrán zhuàndòng gate, implement; 使…突然转向 shǐ… tūrán zhuǎnxiàng person, vehiclehe swung the camera around to face the opposite direction 他猛地将照相机转过来对着相反方向 to swing sb/sth around and around 使某人/某物不停地转动 the driver swung the car around the corner 司机猛地将车转过拐角 she swung the sword at my head 她挥剑朝我的头砍来 to swing sb/sth into/on to sth; 将某人/某物抛进某物/抛到某物上 he swung the sword over his head 他手拿那把剑在头上挥舞 the captain swung the periscope through 180° 船长将潜望镜转动了180度 he swung the gate open/shut 他一下推开/关上了大门 (aim) huī blowshe swung a punch at him 她朝他挥了一拳 (cause to change) 使…转变 shǐ… zhuǎnbiàn person, jury, election, matchto swing sb/sth sb's way 使某人/某事物转而按某人的方式行事/发展 to swing sb/sth in sb's favour 使某人/某事物转而变得对某人有利 to swing voters away from/towards the party 使选民们转而反对/支持这个政党 informal (cause to succeed) 搞定 gǎodìng interview, deal; 搞到 gǎodào jobto swing it for sb (to do sth); 为某人搞定(某事) to swing it 搞定 gǎodìng can you swing it for me? 你能为我搞定吗? it was the large bribe that swung it 靠大笔贿赂才把事情办成 B. intransitive verb past tense, past participle swung (sway) 摇摆 yáobǎi she sat on the branch with her legs swinging 她坐在树枝上,双腿摆动着 a set of keys swung from her belt 一串钥匙在她的腰带上摆来摆去 the boy swung by his hands from the branch 小男孩用手挂在树枝上来回摆荡 the bucket was swinging on the end of a rope 桶在绳子的一端摇晃着 to swing to and fro/backwards and forwards/from side to side 来回/前后/左右摇摆 to swing at anchor Nautical 在锚地摇摆 to swing both ways informal 是双性恋 (move by holding on to sth) «person, animal» dàng to swing across/down/up sth; 荡过/荡下/荡上某物 to swing on to/along sth; 荡到某物上去/沿着某物荡 the ape swung from branch to branch 大猩猩从一根树枝荡到另一根树枝 (move in curve) «gate, door» 转动 zhuàndòng ; «car, river, road» 转向 zhuǎnxiàng to swing around/back/into/out of/to or towards sth; 转过/折返回/拐进/拐出/转向某物 to swing open/shut 转动着打开/关闭 to swing into action 立即投入行动 a full-scale evacuation operation swung into action 全线撤退行动立即开始实施 (move with swaying gait) 摇摆着行进 yáobǎizhe xíngjìn to swing along/past; 摇摆着向前走/走过去 to swing along/down/up the road; 摇摇摆摆地沿路走向前/走下去/走过来 (try to hit) 挥击 huījī to swing at sb/sth (with sth); (挥动某物)朝某人/某物打去 (change) «person, voting, mood, opinion» 转变 zhuǎnbiàn the game could swing either way 这场比赛胜负未知 to swing between sth and sth/from sth to sth; 在某事物和某事物之间摇摆/从某事物转变到某事物 his mood swings unpredictably from optimism to pessimism 他的情绪变化无常,时而乐观,时而悲观 to swing to or towards sth; 朝某事物转变 the mood of the voters has swung towards the government 选民们的态度已经变得倾向于政府了 to swing in favour of/against sb/sth 变得有利/不利于某人/某事物 informal (be lively) 热闹 rènao ; (be fashionable) 时髦 shímáo the party was swinging 这个聚会很热闹 informal (in terms of sexual preference) 滥交 làn jiāo ; (by swapping sexual partner) 交换性伴侣 jiāohuàn xìngbànlǚ (be played, play rhythmically) «music, song, tune» 具有强劲节奏 jùyǒu qiángjìng jiézòu ; «band, musician» 以强劲节奏演奏 yǐ qiángjìng jiézòu yǎnzòu ; «person» 以强劲节奏演唱 yǐ qiángjìng jiézòu yǎnchàng C. to swing oneself reflexive verb past tense, past participle swung to swing oneself across/along sth; 荡过某物/沿着某物荡 dàngguo mǒu wù/yánzhe mǒu wù dàng to swing oneself down/up; 荡到下面/上面去 dàngdào xiàmian/shàngmian qù she swung herself from branch to branch 她从一根树枝荡到另一根树枝 he swung himself into the driver's seat/out of the car 他纵身坐到了驾驶座上/跳下汽车 D. noun countable (wheeling action of arm, object) 挥动 huīdòng ; Sport (hitting action of golf club, bat) 挥击 huījī to take or aim a swing at sb/sth (with sth) (挥动某物)朝某人/某物打去 countable (swaying movement of pendulum, instrument, body, hips) 摆动 bǎidòng ; (wide curved movement of ball, door, gate, window) 转动 zhuàndòng to go with a swing British informal «party, event» 气氛热烈 to get in or into the swing (of it or things) informal (become fully involved) 融入(某事物) to get back in or into the swing (of it or things) informal (get used to again) 重新熟悉(某种情况) to be in full swing «party, meeting, strike, inquiry» 正在热烈进行中 countable (change) (in voting, public opinion, mood) 变动 biàndòng ; (in prices, values, economy, business activity) 波动 bōdòng market swings Finance 市场波动 he is prone to abrupt swings in mood or mood swings 他的情绪容易大起大落 a swing to the left/right Politics 向左翼/右翼的摇摆 a swing towards/away from sb/sth; 向着/背离某人/某事物的变化 countable (suspended seat) 秋千 qiūqiān can we go on the swings? 我们可以去荡秋千吗? to give sb a swing 为某人晃秋千 uncountable (type of music) 摇摆乐 yáobǎiyuè ; before noun 摇摆乐的 yáobǎiyuè de the swing era 摇摆乐时代 swing dance/music/band 摇摆舞/摇摆乐/摇摆乐团 uncountable and countable (rhythm or drive of music, dance) 强劲的节奏 qiángjìng de jiézòu to go with a swing «music, tune, piece» 有强劲的节奏 countable US (swift tour) [尤指竞选中的] 巡回行程 xúnhuí xíngchéng PHRASAL VERB swing around, British swing round intransitive verb 突然转向 tūrán zhuǎnxiàng to swing around in one's chair 坐着椅子突然转身 to swing around on sb 突然转向某人 to swing around to do sth 突然转身去做某事




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