

词汇 slot
slot | BrE slɒt, AmE slɑt | A. noun (slit) 狭缝 xiáfèng ; (for coin) 投币口 tóubìkǒu ; (for ticket) 投票口 tóupiàokǒu ; (for letters) 投信口 tóuxìnkǒu a slot for sth/doing sth 塞入某物/做某事的窄缝 to push sth through a slot 把某物塞入狭缝 (groove) 槽沟 cáogōu a slot for/in sth 装某物的/某物里的槽沟 to make or cut a slot 挖出槽沟 (scheduled time) 时段 shíduàn landing slots Aviation 着陆时间 a prime-time/comedy slot 黄金/喜剧时段 a (five-minute) slot for sth (五分钟的)…时间 announcement, take-offthe band has a regular slot in the bar 乐队定时在酒吧演出 to find a slot (for sb/sth) (为某人/某事物)留出时间 to fit sb/sth into a slot 为某人/某事物安排时间 (job) 职位 zhíwèi a slot in the personnel department 人事部的职位 to create a slot for sb 为某人设一个职位 B. slots plural noun informal the slots 吃角子老虎机 chī jiǎozi lǎohǔjī to play the slots 玩老虎机 wán lǎohǔjī C. transitive verb present participle slotting past tense, past participle slotted (make slot in) 在…上挖出沟槽 zài… shang wāchū gōucáo wood, metala slotted tube 开缝管 (fit in slot) to slot sth into sth; 把…塞入某物 bǎ… sāirù mǒu wù piece, pipeto slot a rail into the groove 把铁轨铺到轨槽里 (schedule, assign) 为…安排时段 wèi… ānpái shíduàn program, eventto slot an appointment into the schedule/for one o'clock 将约见排进日程/安排在1点钟 to slot sb into a position 给某人安排职位 D. intransitive verb present participle slotting past tense, past participle slotted 插入 chārù to slot into sth; 插入 chārù hole, machineto slot into place or position «piece» 安装到位 the two parts slot into each other 这两个部件互相插接 to slot into one's new position very well figurative 对新职位很适应 PHRASAL VERBS slot in A. intransitive verb «shelf, rod» 可放入 kě fàngrù ; «part» 可安装 kě ānzhuāng B. transitive verb [slot sth/sb in, slot in sth/sb] (fit into opening) 铺入 pūrù rail; 塞进 sāijìn shelf, rod; 安装进 ānzhuāng jìn part(schedule) 为…安排时段 wèi… ānpái shíduàn meeting, eventBritish Sport informal 踢进 tījìn goal, shotslot together A. intransitive verb «components, parts» 插接起来 chājiē qilai B. transitive verb [slot sth together, slot together sth] 把…插接起来 bǎ… chājiē qilai components, parts




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