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词汇 smack
smack1 | BrE smak, AmE smæk | A. noun countable (sharp slap) 猛拍 měng pāi ; (sharp blow) 猛击 měng jī ; (slap on face) 打耳光 dǎ ěrguāng if you don't behave, you'll get a smack 如果你不规矩些,你就要挨揍 countable (sharp sound) (of object) 撞击声 zhuàngjī shēng ; (of waves) 拍击声 pāijī shēng ; (of hand) 掌掴声 zhǎng guāi shēng the books fell to the floor with a smack 那些书啪的一声掉到了地板上 the smack of waves against the harbour wall 海浪拍打港口护堤的啪啪声 countable (loud kiss) 响吻 xiǎngwěn the boy's aunt gave him a big smack on the cheek 男孩的姨妈在他脸上亲了一个响吻 countable (flavour, taste) 味道 wèidao countable (hint) 暗示 ànshì ; (trace) 痕迹 hénjì uncountable informal (heroin) 海洛因 hǎiluòyīn B. transitive verb (strike) 猛拍 měng pāi person, hand, leg; guāi face; 猛击 měng jī ballshe is always smacking her children 她老是打孩子 she smacked him in the face 她扇了他一耳光 (open and close noisily) lips (smash) 啪地一放 pā de yī fàng ; (drive) 冲撞 chōngzhuàng he smacked his hand down flat on the table 他用手拍了一下桌子 he smacked his car into a lamp post 他开车猛地撞在了灯柱上 C. intransitive verb 暗示 ànshì to smack of sth; 有某事物的味道 this drink smacks of gin 这种饮料有杜松子酒味 their remarks smacked of bigotry 他们的话有点偏执 D. adverb informal (unexpectedly) 猛然 měngrán ; (sharply) 猛烈地 měngliè de he ran smack into his boss 他和上司撞了个满怀 the car went smack into the lamp post 汽车猛地撞在了灯柱上 he hit him smack on the jaw 他猛击他的下巴 (directly, precisely) 恰好 qiàhǎo smack in front of … 在…的正前方 he lives smack in the middle of town 他住在市中心




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