

词汇 square up
square up A. transitive verb [square sth up, square up sth] (make square) 使成方形 shǐ chéng fāngxíng to use a T-square to square up the fabric 用丁字尺把布裁成方形 (align) 把…弄整齐 bǎ… nòng zhěngqí to square up the papers on one's desk 把桌上的文件收拾整齐 (settle) 结清 jiéqīng account, debtB. intransitive verb (prepare to fight) 摆好架势 bǎihǎo jiàshi to square up for sth; 摆好架势准备进行 fight, matchto square up to sb/sth; 勇敢面对 person, reality(settle accounts) 结清账目 jiéqīng zhàngmù to square up with sb; 与某人结清账




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