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词汇 squash
squash1 | BrE skwɒʃ, AmE skwɑʃ,skwɔʃ | A. noun countable (crush) 拥挤 yōngjǐ it will be a bit of a squash 这会有点儿挤 countable (crowd) 拥挤的人群 yōngjǐ de rénqún uncountable Sport 软式壁球 ruǎnshì bìqiú a squash court 软式壁球场 uncountable and countable (drink) 果汁饮料 guǒzhī yǐnliào lemon/orange squash 柠檬汁/橙汁 B. transitive verb (crush) 把…压扁 bǎ… yābiǎn hat, box, car; 把…压烂 bǎ… yālàn fruitto be squashed out of shape 被压得变形 to squash sth flat 把某物压扁 four of us were squashed in the back of the car 我们4个人挤坐在汽车后座 to squash sth into shape 把某物挤压成形 (squeeze in) 硬塞 yìng sāi she squashed the clothes into the suitcase 她把衣服塞进了手提箱 they managed to squash forty passengers into the bus 他们设法往公共汽车上塞了40个乘客 informal (silence, subdue) 使无言以对 shǐ wú yán yǐ duì to feel squashed 一时语塞 to squash sb with a single look 只看一眼便噎住某人 informal (reject) 打消 dǎxiāo idea, plan; 否定 fǒudìng proposal; 驳回 bóhuí argument informal (defeat) 镇压 zhènyā rebellion; 粉碎 fěnsuì rumourC. intransitive verb (become crushed out of shape) «fruit» 压坏 yāhuài ; «clothes» 压走形 yā zǒuxíng ; «box» 压扁 yābiǎn to squash easily 容易压坏 (squeeze) 硬挤 yìng jǐ to squash through sth; 从某物中挤过 to squash together; 挤在一起 they all squashed into the back seat of the car 他们全都挤坐在汽车后排座位上 PHRASAL VERBS squash in intransitive verb 挤进来 jǐ jìnlai squash up intransitive verb 挤紧 jǐjǐn if I squash up, you can fit in 我再挤挤你就可以进来




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