

词汇 squat
squat | BrE skwɒt, AmE skwɑt | A. adjective 矮胖的 ǎipàng de person, shape; 低矮的 dī'ǎi de buildingB. intransitive verb present participle squatting past tense, past participle squatted (crouch) 蹲坐 dūnzuò to squat down 蹲下 they were squatting around the fire 他们蹲在火炉周围 informal (sit) zuò informal (occupy building) 偷住空屋 tōu zhù kōngwū ; (occupy land) 擅自占用土地 shànzì zhànyòng tǔdì to squat in an empty house 偷住空房 C. noun (position) 蹲坐 dūnzuò informal (building) 偷住的空屋 tōu zhù de kōngwū




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