

词汇 sympathy
sympathy | BrE ˈsɪmpəθi, AmE ˈsɪmpəθi | A. noun uncountable (compassion) 同情 tóngqíng sympathy for or towards sb 对某人的同情 out of sympathy 出于同情 (condolence) 慰唁 wèiyàn a letter of sympathy 吊唁信 sympathy at or on sth 对某事的慰唁 my sympathy goes out to him 我对他深表慰问 (solidarity) 支持 zhīchí to be in sympathy (with sb/sth); 支持(某人/某事) to be out of sympathy (with sb/sth); 不赞同(某人/某事) (affinity, empathy) 意气相投 yìqì xiāngtóu sympathy between sb and sb 某人与某人的志同道合 B. sympathies plural noun (condolences) 慰问 wèiwèn (supportive feelings) 同情心 tóngqíngxīn




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