

词汇 reminder
reminder | BrE rɪˈmʌɪndə, AmE rəˈmaɪndər | noun (sth that jogs one's memory) 提醒人的事物 tíxǐng rén de shìwù ; (prompt) 提示 tíshì to receive a reminder 收到通知单 to send/write a reminder 送/写通知单 the child tied a knot in her handkerchief as a reminder that she had a music lesson after school 那个孩子在手帕上打了个结,提醒自己放学后要上音乐课 we needed no reminders that time was running out 我们不需要提醒就知道时间不多了 (memory) 记忆 jìyì the barbed wire barricades were grim reminders of the war 带刺的铁丝网让人回忆起战争的残酷




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