

词汇 remote
remote | BrE rɪˈməʊt, AmE rəˈmoʊt | A. adjective (distant in space, time) 遥远的 yáoyuǎn de place, planetin the remote future/past 在遥远的将来/过去 in the remote distance 在很远的远处 stories of remote antiquity 远古时期的传说 (isolated) 偏远的 piānyuǎn de farmhouse, village (distantly connected) 关系远的 guānxì yuǎn de remote relatives/ancestors 远房亲戚/远古先人 a remote cause 远因 a remote effect 间接后果 (slight) 细微的 xìwēi de resemblance, possibility, linkI haven't the remotest idea what you mean! 我根本不知道你是什么意思! I don't see the remotest connection between the two incidents 我看不出两个事件之间有一丝一毫的联系 (aloof) 冷傲的 lěng'ào de person, mannerB. noun 遥控器 yáokòngqì




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