

词汇 repeat
repeat | BrE rɪˈpiːt, AmE rəˈpit | A. transitive verb (say again) 重复说 chóngfù shuō ; (write again) 重复写 chóngfù xiě could you repeat that once more? 请再说一遍好吗? the opposition have been repeating their calls for … 反对派在反复要求… to repeat the same old thing 老调重弹 the claims are, I repeat, totally unfounded 这些要求,我再说一遍,是毫无道理的 I am not, repeat not, travelling in the same car as him! 我不,再说一遍,不和他乘同一辆车! to repeat (that) …; 重复说… to be repeated «event, attack» 再次发生 (pass on) 转述 zhuǎnshù gossip, secretI'm only repeating what I've heard! 我只是把我听到的话告诉你! the rumour has been widely repeated in the press 报界普遍转载了这一传闻 to repeat sth to sb; 将某事告诉某人 I don’t want you to repeat a word of this to anyone 这件事我希望你一个字也不要告诉别人 (say verbatim) 复述 fùshù to repeat sth word for word 一字不差地复述某事 to repeat sth after sb; 跟着某人读 sentence, word (redo, rerun) 重复 chóngfù mistake, experiment, patternthey are hoping to repeat last year’s victory 他们希望像去年一样再次获胜 the Americans plan to repeat their attempt to launch a spacecraft 美国人计划再次尝试发射一部航天器 a bargain offer that cannot be repeated 机不可失的减价优惠 Radio, Television 重播 chóngbō programme, series School 重读 chóngdú class, grade; 重修 chóngxiū course, subject Music 重奏 chóngzòu passage, motifB. intransitive verb (do again) 重复 chóngfù lift and lower the right leg 20 times; repeat with the left leg 右腿提放20次,左腿重复该动作 (mainly British) (be tasted again) 返味 fǎn wèi cucumber has a tendency to repeat 吃了黄瓜口中会有一股味儿 to repeat on sb; 在某人口中留有余味 C. reflexive verb to repeat oneself (say the same thing) 重复说过的话 chóngfù shuōguo de huà to repeat itself (recur) 重复发生 chóngfù fāshēng history is repeating itself 历史正在重演 lìshǐ zhèngzài chóngyǎn D. noun Radio, Television 重播节目 chóngbō jiémù is it a new series? — no, a repeat 这是新的连续剧吗?── 不,是重播的 (of event, performance) 重演 chóngyǎn ; (of action, statement) 重复 chóngfù a repeat of the 1906 earthquake could kill up to 11,000 people 如果再发生1906年的地震,死亡人数可能会达到11,000人 repeat orders/attacks 续订的订单/后续攻击 Music (passage) 反复段 fǎnfùduàn ; (mark) 反复符 fǎnfùfú




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