

词汇 self
self | BrE sɛlf, AmE sɛlf | A. noun plural selves uncountable (person's essence) 自我 zìwǒ the self in relation to others 个性 countable (usual character) 本性 běnxìng he's back to his old self again 他又恢复了本来面目 one's former self 以前的样子 uncountable formal (self-interest) 私利 sīlì without thought of self 没有私心地 B. pronoun (oneself) 自己 zìjǐ your good self 您本人 tickets for self and secretary (on memo) 给自己和秘书的票 (on cheque) 本人 běnrén pay self 认票不认人




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