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词汇 stuff
stuff | BrE stʌf, AmE stəf | A. noun uncountable informal (unnamed substance or objects) 东西 dōngxi the chairs were covered in some sort of plastic stuff 椅子都包了某种塑料膜 they sell stationery and stuff (like that) 他们销售文具之类的东西 this wine is good stuff 这葡萄酒不错 a bit of stuff British slang 风骚娘们儿 to do one's stuff 施展本领 go on! do your stuff! 快点!露一手吧! the medicine has clearly done its stuff 这药显然起作用了 to know one's stuff 精通业务 that's the stuff! British 这就对啦! I don't give a stuff! British 我一点也不在乎! informal (personal items) 私人物品 sīrén wùpǐn where’s all my stuff? 我的东西都哪儿去了? informal (unnamed activities) 事儿 shìr I’ve got loads of stuff to do today 我今天有很多活儿要干 I like reading and stuff (like that) 我喜欢看书什么的 informal (information, content, subject matter) 玩意儿 wányìr I don’t believe in all that stuff about ghosts 我不信什么鬼呀魂呀的 I’m bored by history: dates and battles and all that stuff 我对历史很厌烦:都是日期、战役之类的东西 what’s all this ‘Mrs Smith’stuff? — call me Anna 哪来的什么“史密斯夫人”那一套?叫我安娜好了 stuff and nonsense dated 胡说八道 informal (work produced) 作品 zuòpǐn this poem is good stuff 这首诗很不错 the band did some great stuff on their first album 这支乐队的首张专辑做得很棒 (formal or literary) (main constituent) 要素 yàosù let’s see what stuff you’re made of 我们来看看你是怎样一个人 parades and marches were the very stuff of politics in the region 游行示威是该地区政治生活的基本内容 the trip was magical: the stuff that dreams are made of 那次旅行非常奇妙:宛如梦境 informal (drugs) 毒品 dúpǐn informal (stolen goods) 赃物 zāngwù B. transitive verb (pack) 装满 zhuāngmǎn the fridge is stuffed to bursting 冰箱满得都快撑破了 the cupboard was stuffed with old clothes 衣橱里塞满了旧衣服 (fill) 填入 tiánrù the sofa was stuffed with horsehair 沙发里填充了马毛 she had 500 envelopes to stuff with leaflets informal 她得在500个信封里装上传单 (cause to be filled with) 使充满 shǐ chōngmǎn her head is stuffed with romantic notions 她满脑子都是不切实际的想法 (block up) 堵塞 dǔsè to stuff a crack with newspaper 用报纸塞住缝隙 (shove) 把…塞进 bǎ… sāijìn to stuff one's hands in one's pockets 把手插在口袋里 to stuff cotton wool in one's ears 用药棉堵住耳朵 Cooking 给…装馅 gěi… zhuāng xiàn to stuff a chicken with mushrooms 在鸡里面放蘑菇 informal (cause to eat a lot) 使吃撑 shǐ chīchēng don’t stuff the kids with or full of chocolate before dinner 饭前不要让孩子一个劲地吃巧克力 to stuff one's face 大吃特吃 dà chī tè chī (in taxidermy) 把…制成标本 bǎ… zhìchéng biāoběn animal US Politics 把假选票投入 bǎ jiǎ xuǎnpiào tóurù ballot box British slang (expressing indifference or rejection) [表示不感兴趣或拒绝]I told them they could stuff their job 我告诉他们让他们的工作见鬼去吧 get stuffed! 去你的! she lost her temper and told him to get stuffed 她大发脾气,叫他滚蛋 stuff it! 去它的! British informal (defeat in sport) 彻底击败 chèdǐ jībài we stuffed them in the second half 下半场我们把他们打得落花流水 C. to stuff oneself reflexive verb informal 大吃特吃 dà chī tè chī they sat there stuffing themselves with ice cream 他们坐在那儿狼吞虎咽地大吃冰激凌 PHRASAL VERB stuff up: transitive verb [stuff sth up, stuff up sth] informal 堵塞 dǔsè hole, crackthe drain was stuffed up with leaves 排水沟被树叶堵住了




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