

词汇 sub
sub | BrE sʌb, AmE səb | A. noun informal Sport = substitute A2 Nautical = submarine A1 British (subscription) 会员费 huìyuánfèi to pay one's subs 交纳会员费 US (sandwich) = submarine A2 British (subeditor) 审校人 shěnjiàorén British (advance) 预支 yùzhī ; (loan) 借支 jièzhī B. intransitive verb present participle subbing past tense, past participle subbed informal Sport (appear as substitute) 做替补 zuò tìbǔ to sub for sb; 替换某人 (be replacement at work) 暂代 zàn dài to sub as sth; 代任某职 to sub for sb; 顶替某人 C. transitive verb present participle subbing past tense, past participle subbed informal Sport 替换 tìhuàn (use as replacement) 换用 huànyòng to sub sth for sth; 用某物代替某物 British (lend) 预支给 yùzhī gěi to sub sb sth; 给某人预支某物 British (subedit) 审校 shěnjiào




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