

词汇 repose
repose | BrE rɪˈpəʊz, AmE rəˈpoʊz | (formal or literary) A. noun uncountable (rest) 小憩 xiǎoqì (state of peace) 安息 ānxī the repose of souls 灵魂的安息 (composure) 镇静 zhènjìng studied repose 故意装出的从容姿态 nothing seemed to shake her inner repose 似乎什么都不能打破她内心的镇定平和 B. transitive verb (place) 寄托 jìtuō confidence, trustC. intransitive verb (rest) «person» 休息 xiūxi ; «arm, head» 靠着 kàozhe he liked to lie with his head reposing in her lap 他喜欢头靠在她大腿上躺着 (be stored) 存放 cúnfàng the painting now reposes in the Louvre 这幅画现在存放在卢浮宫




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