

词汇 resident
resident | BrE ˈrɛzɪd(ə)nt, AmE ˈrɛz(ə)dənt | A. noun (of country, town, house) 居民 jūmín he's one of the residents in the old people's home 他是老人之家的一员 parking in this street is for residents only 这条街道只允许住户停车 (in hotel) 住客 zhùkè this bar is reserved for hotel residents 这个酒吧是专为入住本酒店的客人服务的 B. adjective (in country, town, house) 常住的 chángzhù de the resident population 常住人口 (live-in) 住在任所的 zhùzài rènsuǒ de artist, landlordresident maid 住家保姆 resident physician/nurse 住院医师/护士




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