

词汇 resist
resist | BrE rɪˈzɪst, AmE rəˈzɪst | A. transitive verb (fight) 抵抗 dǐkàng enemy, attack; 阻止 zǔzhǐ coupto resist arrest 拒捕 (oppose) 抵制 dǐzhì plan, attempt, takeover (be unaffected by) kàng heat, cold, rustthe body's ability to resist disease and infection 身体的抗病和抗感染能力 (refrain from) 拒受…的诱惑 jù shòu… de yòuhuò food, moneyto resist doing sth; 忍住不做某事 I couldn't resist having another chocolate 我忍不住又吃了一块巧克力 B. intransitive verb (fight) 反抗 fǎnkàng (put up opposition) 抵制 dǐzhì




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