

词汇 resistance
resistance | BrE rɪˈzɪst(ə)ns, AmE rəˈzɪstəns | noun uncountable (to enemy) 抵抗 dǐkàng resistance to sb/sth; 对某人/某事物的抗拒 to put up or offer resistance 进行抵抗 armed resistance 武装抵抗 a pocket of resistance 一小股抵抗力量 a policy of passive resistance 消极抵抗政策 (to change, innovation) 抵制 dǐzhì to meet with resistance 遇到抵制 to take the line or path of least resistance 采取阻力最小的办法 (to damage, injury, infection) 抵抗力 dǐkànglì to build up a resistance to sth 增强对某物的抵抗力 Physics 电阻 diànzǔ the Resistance History 抵抗运动 dǐkàng yùndòng [二战期间法国反对德国占领军和维希政府的地下运动]




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