

词汇 smart
smart | BrE smɑːt, AmE smɑrt | A. adjective (stylish, neat) 漂亮的 piàoliang de appearance, clothes, car, officea smart young officer 衣冠楚楚的年轻军官 you're looking very smart 你看上去很漂亮啊 (fashionable) 时尚的 shíshàng de hotel, street; 时髦的 shímáo de person, groupthe smart set 时髦一族 (clever) 聪明的 cōngming de ; (shrewd) 精明的 jīngmíng de to be smart at doing sth 做某事精明 he thinks he's so smart 他自作聪明 that wasn't very smart of you 你那件事办得不太漂亮 that was a really smart thing to do! ironic 这事干得真够高明的! she's a smart kid 她是个聪明的孩子 (mainly US) informal (cheeky) 厚脸皮的 hòuliǎnpí de to be or get smart 放肆 don't get smart with me! 别跟我油嘴滑舌的! Technology (controlled by computer programme) 智能的 zhìnéng de washing machine (stinging) 引起剧痛的 yǐnqǐ jùtòng de slap; 尖刻的 jiānkè de retortto deal sb a smart blow 狠狠打某人一下 (brisk, sharp) 轻快的 qīngkuài de pace; 清脆的 qīngcuì de crackthat was smart work! 干得真利落! look smart (about it)! British 赶快(处理这件事)! B. intransitive verb (sting) 引起剧痛 yǐnqǐ jùtòng the cut on my finger is smarting 我手指的伤口疼死了 his eyes smarted from the smoke 他双眼被烟熏得两眼生疼 figurative (mentally) 感到痛楚 gǎndào tòngchǔ to smart from sth 因…而痛心 attack, failurehe is smarting over his defeat/the insult 他因失败/受辱而难过 C. noun uncountable (pain) 剧痛 jùtòng ; figurative (mental) 痛楚 tòngchǔ D. smarts plural noun US slang (intelligence) 聪明 cōngming ; (shrewdness) 能干 nénggàn




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