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词汇 carry
carry | BrE ˈkari, AmE ˈkɛri | A. transitive verb (support and take) bào child; suitcase, umbrella; bān box, chair; «more than two people» tái she carried the baby in her arms 她把孩子抱在怀里 they carried the injured man away on a stretcher 他们用担架把伤员抬走了 will you carry the tray out, please 请你把托盘端出去好吗 coal 2 (take in vehicle) 运送 yùnsòng the minibus carries 12 people 这辆中巴可载12人 (transport on air or water) 带走 dàizǒu his hat was carried away by a gust of wind 他的帽子被一阵风吹走了 the tide carried the boat back towards the shore 潮水把船冲回岸边 (act as conduit for) «pipe» 输送 shūsòng water, oil, gas; «line, wire» 传导 chuándǎo sound, signal, electricitythe veins carry blood back to the heart 静脉将血液输送回心脏 (take to place, position) 推进 tuījìn to carry sth too far 把某事做得太过分 she carries modesty to extremes 她谦虚得过了头 her abilities carried her to the top of her profession 她的才能使她在本行业出类拔萃 the war was carried into enemy territory 战事推进到了敌方境内 (have with one) 带有 dàiyǒu I don't usually carry much cash with me 我通常不多带现金 he will carry the memory with him for the rest of his life 他将一生铭记这一切 to carry sth in one's head or mind 牢记某事物 (publish) «newspaper, magazine, poster» 刊登 kāndēng news, information; (broadcast) «programme» 播出 bōchū news, information (be marked by) «object» 附有 fùyǒu label, symbolthe notepaper carries the company logo 信纸上印有公司的标识 (have as quality, feature) 具有 jùyǒu conviction, authority; (have as a result) «job, venture, plan, crime» 带来 dàilái risk, boredom, excitement, penaltythe offence carries a maximum fine of £50 这种违法行为最高可处50英镑罚款 the new post carries increased responsibility 这一新职位的责任更大 the video recorder carries a 12-month guarantee 这部录像机保修12个月 to carry weight 有影响力 (be pregnant with) 怀 huái she is carrying twins 她怀了双胞胎 the elephant carries its young for 22 months 大象孕期有22个月 Medicine (be infected with) 携带 xiédài germ, virus; 传染 chuánrǎn disease, condition Business (stock, sell) «shop, trader» 出售 chūshòu goods, brand (support weight of) «pillars» 支撑 zhīchēng weight; «road, bridge, table» 承载 chéngzài load (take responsibility for) 承担 chéngdān he is carrying the entire department 他主持着整个部门的工作 we can't afford to carry passengers 我们养不起闲人 to carry a (heavy) burden or load 肩负重担 (win) 在…中获胜 zài… zhōng huòshèng battle, argument, match; 攻占 gōngzhàn fortress, town; 打败 dǎbài enemy, opponentto carry the day 获胜 to carry all or everything before one 大获全胜 (approve) 使…获得通过 shǐ… huòdé tōngguò amendment, bill, proposalthe motion was carried by 25 votes to 13 这一动议以25票对13票获得通过 (gain in election) «candidate, party» 在…获得多数票 zài… huòdé duōshùpiào state, district (persuade) «person, speech» 打动 dǎdòng audience, votershe carried the congregation with him 他打动了教堂会众 Mathematics 使…进位 shǐ… jìnwèi numberB. intransitive verb (be audible) «sound, voice» 传到远处 chuándào yuǎnchù the noise of the explosion carried several miles 爆炸声传到了几英里外 (go) «missile» 射出一定距离 shèchū yīdìng jùlí the ball carried over the boundary 球出界了 C. to carry oneself reflexive verb (move, behave) 保持姿态 bǎochí zītài she carried herself like a model 她举手投足像个模特 he carried himself with dignity 他举止庄重 tā jǔzhǐ zhuāngzhòng D. noun informal (in sb's arms) bào ; (on sb's back) bēi ; (transporting in a vehicle) sòng to give sb a carry 送某人一程 PHRASAL VERBS carry away: transitive verb [carry sb away] 使失去自制力 shǐ shīqù zìzhìlì he was carried away by the splendour of the palace 他被壮观的宫殿完全吸引住了 sorry I'm late: I was trying out my new computer and I got carried away 对不起,我来晚了;我在试用新电脑,结果忘了时间 carry back: transitive verb [carry sb back] 使回想起过去 shǐ huíxiǎng qǐ guòqù to carry sb back to sth; 使某人回想起某事物 the smell of the sea air carried her back to childhood holidays 大海的气息使她回想起儿时度假的情景 carry forward transitive verb [carry sth forward, carry forward sth] (transfer to new page or account) 结转 jiézhuǎn balance, figure, total(keep to use or deal with later) «person, company» 冲转 chōngzhuàn sum, losscarry off: transitive verb [carry sb/sth off, carry off sb/sth] (take by force) 强行带走 qiángxíng dàizǒu she was carried off by the terrorists 她被恐怖分子抓走了 the burglars carried off the family silver 窃贼们盗走了家里的银器 [carry off sth] (win) 赢得 yíngdé prize, honour[carry sth off, carry off sth] (succeed with) 成功处理 chénggōng chǔlǐ to carry it off 轻松应付过去 she carried the speech off brilliantly 她十分出色地完成了演讲 he was unable to carry off the deception 他的诡计没能得逞 [carry sb off, carry off sb] (kill) «disease» 导致…死亡 dǎozhì… sǐwáng she was carried off by cancer 她被癌症夺去了生命 carry on A. intransitive verb (continue, resume activity) 继续 jìxù if it carries on raining, we'll have to cancel the match 如果雨下个不停的话,我们将不得不取消比赛 I'll carry on with this work after lunch 午饭后我会继续做这个工作 (mainly British) (continue in same direction) 继续行进 jìxù xíngjìn to carry on down or along the road (in car) 沿路一直开下去 (on foot) 沿路一直走下去 informal (behave) 有某种举止 yǒu mǒu zhǒng jǔzhǐ that's no way to carry on 绝不可以有那样的行为 informal (make fuss) 不断抱怨 bùduàn bàoyuàn to carry on about sb/sth; 不停抱怨某人/某事物 informal dated (have love affair) 有暧昧关系 yǒu àimèi guānxì to carry on with sb; 与某人关系暧昧 B. [carry on sth] transitive verb (conduct) 经营 jīngyíng business; 从事 cóngshì work, trade; 进行 jìnxíng negotiations, conversation, researchthey carried on a correspondence for several years 他们保持了好几年通信联系 (continue) 继续保持 jìxù bǎochí tradition; 继续经营 jìxù jīngyíng family business; 继续进行 jìxù jìnxíng conversation, activitycarry out transitive verb [carry out sth, carry sth out] (go through with) 实行 shíxíng plan, policy, reform; 执行 zhíxíng order, instruction, mission; 履行 lǚxíng duty, promisedo you think she will carry out her threat? 你认为她会把威胁付诸行动吗? (conduct) 进行 jìnxíng research, repair; 实施 shíshī attackcarry over A. transitive verb [carry over sth, carry sth over] (transfer) 使继续下去 shǐ jìxù xiaqu she carried her business problems over into her private life 她把工作上的问题带到了自己的私人生活中 this custom has been carried over from the 19th century 这一习俗从19世纪保持至今 (postpone) 推迟 tuīchí eventthis debate has been carried over from the last meeting 这一争议是上次会议遗留下来的 Finance = carry forwardB. intransitive verb 继续存在 jìxù cúnzài these attitudes have carried over from childhood 童年时期形成的这些观念一直保持至今 carry through: transitive verb [carry through sth, carry sth through] (accomplish) 顺利完成 shùnlì wánchéng to carry through the reforms 把改革进行到底 [to carry sb through] (help to survive) «courage, sense of humour» 帮助…渡过难关 bāngzhù… dùguo nánguān his determination carried him through the ordeal 他靠坚定的信心熬过了这场磨难




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