

词汇 carry off
carry off: transitive verb [carry sb/sth off, carry off sb/sth] (take by force) 强行带走 qiángxíng dàizǒu she was carried off by the terrorists 她被恐怖分子抓走了 the burglars carried off the family silver 窃贼们盗走了家里的银器 [carry off sth] (win) 赢得 yíngdé prize, honour[carry sth off, carry off sth] (succeed with) 成功处理 chénggōng chǔlǐ to carry it off 轻松应付过去 she carried the speech off brilliantly 她十分出色地完成了演讲 he was unable to carry off the deception 他的诡计没能得逞 [carry sb off, carry off sb] (kill) «disease» 导致…死亡 dǎozhì… sǐwáng she was carried off by cancer 她被癌症夺去了生命




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