

词汇 snap back
snap back A. intransitive verb (click back) 啪的一声归位 pā de yī shēng guīwèi the lid/his jaw snapped back 盖子/下巴吧嗒一声合上了 to snap back into place «component» 啪的一声放到原位 (reply sharply) 厉声回嘴 lìshēng huízuǐ to snap back at sb; 顶撞某人 B. transitive verb [snap sth back, snap back sth] 啪的一声把…归位 pā de yī shēng bǎ… guīwèi to snap the bolt back 啪的一声闩上门 (reply sharply) 生气地说 shēngqì de shuō words‘no!’she snapped back (at him) “不!”她气冲冲地(对他)说道




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