

词汇 cart
cart | BrE kɑːt, AmE kɑrt | A. noun (for hay, goods) 大车 dàchē to put the cart before the horse figurative 本末倒置 to be in the cart British informal figurative 陷入困境 (for passengers) 两轮轻便敞篷马车 liǎng lún qīngbiàn chǎngpéng mǎchē (for small loads) 手推车 shǒutuīchē US (also shopping cart) 购物推车 gòuwù tuīchē B. transitive verb (move by cart) 用大车运送 yòng dàchē yùnsòng informal (carry) 携带 xiédài ; (transport generally) 运送 yùnsòng to cart sth up/down the stairs 把某物搬上楼/搬下楼 I've been carting this heavy briefcase around all day 我提着这个沉重的公文包都一整天了 informal (remove by force) 费力运走 fèilì yùnzǒu to cart sth away; 费大力气把某物运走 PHRASAL VERB cart off: transitive verb [cart sb off] informal 强行带走 qiángxíng dàizǒu the police carted her off to the police station 警察把她押到警察局




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