

词汇 sensitive
sensitive | BrE ˈsɛnsɪtɪv, AmE ˈsɛnsədɪv | adjective (easily affected) 敏感的 mǐngǎn de instrument, skin, nerveto be sensitive to light/heat/pain; 对光/热/疼痛敏感 figurative (easily hurt) 易恼怒的 yì nǎonù de he is very sensitive to criticism 他一听到批评就急 (sympathetic, aware) 善解人意的 shàn jiě rényì de he is sensitive to the needs of others 他善于体察别人的需要 (discriminating, appreciative) 细腻的 xìnì de interpretation, performance (delicate) 微妙的 wēimiào de situation, problem, matternegotiations are at a very sensitive stage 谈判处在一个非常敏感的阶段 (confidential) 机密的 jīmì de information, material




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