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词汇 carve
carve | BrE kɑːv, AmE kɑrv | A. transitive verb (sculpt) 雕刻 diāokè to carve sth in stone/wood 在石头/木头上雕刻某物 to carve sth out of or from sth 用某物雕刻某物 (engrave, inscribe) to carve patterns 刻图案 to carve sth into stone 在石头上刻某物 to carve an inscription on a gravestone 在墓碑上刻碑文 Cooking 切开 qiēkāi meatto carve a slice 切下一片 B. intransitive verb 切肉 qiē ròu PHRASAL VERBS carve out transitive verb [carve out sth, carve sth out] (cut) 雕刻出 diāokè chū statue(erode) «river» 冲刷出 chōngshuā chū valleyfigurative (create) 开创出 kāichuàng chū to carve out a niche (for oneself) (为自己)谋得合适的位置 to carve out a career (for oneself) (为自己)创出一番事业 carve up: transitive verb [carve up sth, carve sth up] informal (divide) 划分 huàfēn to carve up the market 瓜分市场 [carve up sb/sth, carve sb/sth up] Motor Vehicles informal 超车抢…的道 chāochē qiǎng… de dào




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