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pínɡ A. verb 倚靠lean on 凭窗远眺 stand at a window gazing into the distance 凭栏 依赖depend on 与别人竞争不能靠运气,要凭本事。 One can only compete with others by virtue of one’s ability and not through luck. B. preposition 凭着on the basis of 凭单据报销 refund through invoices 凭票入场。 Admission by ticket only. 你凭什么这么说? What do you base your statement on? 根据according to 凭常识判断 judge according to common sense 凭经验办事 act by rule of thumb 凭良心说 in all conscience C. conjunction no matter (how, what, where, when, etc.) 凭你跑多快,我也赶得上。 No matter how fast you run, I can catch up with you. 凭你怎么说,我也不动心。 No matter what you say, I won’t be perturbed. 任凭D. noun proof 真凭实据 substantial evidence 口说无凭。 Verbal statements are no guarantee. 凭据, 文凭




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