

词汇 wound
wound1 | BrE wuːnd, AmE wund | A. noun (physical injury) shāng a wound to or in the head 头上的伤口 to die from or of one's wounds 受伤而死 an open wound 开放性伤口 to clean/dress/suture/swab a wound 清洗/包扎/缝合/擦拭伤口 figurative (mental injury) 创伤 chuāngshāng a wound to sb's pride 对某人自尊心的伤害 B. transitive verb (injure physically) 使受伤 shǐ shòushāng to wound sb in the leg/stomach 弄伤某人的腿/肚子 figurative (injure mentally) 伤害 shānghài her self-esteem was wounded 她的自尊心受到了伤害




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