

词汇 wreathe
wreathe | BrE riːð, AmE rið | A. transitive verb (cover) 笼罩 lǒngzhào hilltop; 环绕 huánrào sun, headsb's face is wreathed in smiles 某人笑容满面 literary (entwine) 使缠绕 shǐ chánrào to wreathe sth around or about sth; 将某物缠绕在某物上 to wreathe flowers into sb's hair 把花编到某人的头发上 literary (form) 编成 biānchéng garlandto wreathe flowers into a garland/leaves into a laurel crown 把花儿编成花环/把树叶编成桂冠 B. intransitive verb literary «smoke, steam» 缭绕 liáorǎo to wreathe upwards 盘旋上升




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