

词汇 rest
rest1 | BrE rɛst, AmE rɛst | A. noun uncountable (repose, inactivity) 休息 xiūxi a day of rest 休息日 to be at rest formal (unworried) 不担心 euphemistic (dead) 安息 ānxī my mind is at rest now 我现在不担心了 to set or put sb's mind at rest 使某人放心 you can set your mind at rest on that score 在那一点上你可放心 to lie at rest (in a grave/cemetery) formal euphemistic 被安葬(在墓地/公墓) to lay sb to rest formal euphemistic 安葬某人 he was laid to rest beside his parents 他被葬在父母身边 to lay sth to rest 终结 doubts, disputerest day/period 休息日/休养期 countable (break) 休息时间 xiūxi shíjiān we stopped for a well-earned rest 我们停下来好好歇了一会儿 a rest from sb/sth; 安置好某人/料理好某事后的休息 a rest from doing sth; 做某事的间歇 at least it's a rest from continually having to watch what I eat 至少这能让我歇口气,用不着一直注意饮食了 to need a rest (from sth) 需要(停下某事)休息 to have or take a rest (from sth) (停下某事)休息一段时间 we took rests every hour or so during the climb 我们在登山过程中每一小时左右休息一次 to give sb a rest (from sth) 让某人(不做某事)休息一下 I took the day off just to give myself a rest from the office 我请了一天假,只是为了放下工作休息一下 to give sth a rest informal 暂停某事 to give jogging/the television a rest 暂停慢跑锻炼/关掉电视片刻 give it a rest! British informal 别说了! a change is as good as a rest proverb 改变就相当于休息 countable (support) 撑架 chēngjià she put the receiver back on its rest 她把听筒放回机座上 a rest for a snooker cue 斯诺克球杆支架 uncountable (immobility) 静止 jìngzhǐ at rest 静止的 at rest the insect looks like … 这种昆虫不动时看起来像… starting from rest the projectile accelerates at an extremely rapid rate 抛射物进入运动状态后增速极快 to come to rest 停下 the lift came to rest at the first floor 电梯停在了二楼 his eyes came to rest on her face 他的目光停在了她脸上 uncountable and countable Music (silence) 休止 xiūzhǐ a crotchet/minim rest British 四分音/二分音休止 a quarter-note/half-note rest US 四分音/二分音休止 30 bars' rest 30小节的休止 countable Music (sign) 休止符 xiūzhǐfú B. transitive verb (allow to relax, recover) 使休息 shǐ xiūxi rest your eyes every half an hour 每隔半小时让眼睛休息一次 God rest his/her soul 愿上帝保佑他/愿她的灵魂得到安息 (lean) 使依靠 shǐ yīkào to rest sth on or against sth; 将某物靠在某物上 rest your head on my shoulder 把你的头靠在我的肩上 I rested my back against the table leg 我背靠着桌腿 to rest sth in sth; 将某物搁在某物里 he rested his chin in his hands 他两手托着下巴 Law (conclude) 中止 zhōngzhǐ to rest one's case 结案 my standards are not impossibly high! — name somebody who's met them — um … — I rest my case humorous 我的标准并没有高得离谱!── 那么说说有谁达到了呢──嗯…我不多说了 Sport «manager, coach» 让…停赛 ràng… tíngsài player Farming 让…休耕 ràng… xiūgēng land, fieldC. intransitive verb (relax) 休息 xiūxi to rest from sth/doing sth; 停下某事/做某事休息 he was resting from his labours 他放下活儿正在休息 you should rest from studying for at least an hour 你应该停止学习,休息至少一个小时 he/we/they won't rest until … (stop) 他/我们/他们直到…才会停下 (be satisfied) 他/我们/他们直到…才会满意 I won't rest until I know 我要了解到情况才罢休 to rest easy 放心 I can rest easy knowing that she’s safely home 我知道她已平安到家就放心了 (be supported) 被支撑 bèi zhīchēng to rest on or against sth; 靠在…上 shoulder, table, wall, fencehis hands rested lightly on the arms of the chair 他双手轻轻搭在椅子扶手上 the whole weight of the bridge is resting on those two girders 整个桥的重量都落在那两根座梁上 he stood there resting on his spade 他拄着铲子站在那儿 (stand, remain) «question, matter» 被搁置 bèi gēzhì to let sth rest, to allow sth to rest 搁下某事 to let things rest 把事情搁置起来 you can't just let it rest there! 你不能就这么不管了! so that is where things rest for the present 那么这就是目前的状况 US Law «defence, prosecution» 中止 zhōngzhǐ euphemistic (be unemployed) 赋闲 fùxián to be resting «actor» 无戏可演 euphemistic (be buried) 安息 ānxī to rest in peace 安息 ānxī PHRASAL VERBS rest in: transitive verb [rest sth in sb/sth] (place in) 将…寄托在…上 jiāng… jìtuō zài… shang hopes[rest in sth] (lie in) «key, strength» 在于 zàiyú changeto rest in doing sth; 在于做某事 they argued that the solution rested in resurrecting the country's independence 他们主张解决办法在于恢复国家独立 rest on: transitive verb [rest on sb/sth] (be directed towards) «eyes, gaze» 凝视 níngshì [rest on sb/sth] (depend on) 依靠 yīkào all our hopes now rest on you 我们现在就指望你了 so much rests on the outcome of this trial 很多事都取决于这次审判的结果 [rest on sth] (be based on) «argument, case» 基于 jīyú assumption, premise, reasoningrest up intransitive verb 好好休息 hǎohǎo xiūxi rest with transitive verb [rest with sb/sth] «decision, choice» 取决于 qǔjué yú the final say rests with the regional assemblies 最终还是地区议会说了算 it rests with sb to do sth; 某事要由某人来做




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