

词汇 rest
rest2 | BrE rɛst, AmE rɛst | noun plus singular verb (remaining part) the rest 剩余部分 shèngyú bùfen you can keep/leave the rest 剩下的你留着/放着吧 shèngxia de nǐ liúzhe/fàngzhe ba the rest of sth; 某物的剩余部分 mǒu wù de shèngyú bùfen the rest of the time 剩下的时间 shèngxia de shíjiān the rest of one's life 余生 yúshēng I’m not doing this job for the rest of my life 我这辈子再也不做这样的工作了 and the rest informal 不止这些 bùzhǐ zhèxiē you mean it took three hours? — and the rest! 你是说那花了3个小时──还要多呢! and (all) the rest (of it) informal 诸如此类 zhū rú cǐ lèi he wants a big house and an expensive car and all the rest of it 他想要一所大房子、一辆昂贵的汽车,如此等等 for the rest British formal (other part) 至于其他部分 zhìyú qítā bùfen (other matters) 至于其他事情 zhìyú qítā shìqing for the rest, the usual rules apply 至于其他情况,遵从一般规定 plus plural verb (remaining people) the rest 其余的人 qíyú de rén the rest of us/them 我们/他们中的其他人 wǒmen/tāmen zhòng de qítā rén all the rest of the members 所有其他成员 suǒyǒu qítā chéngyuán plus plural verb (remaining things) the rest 其余的东西 qíyú de dōngxi the rest of the tables were all empty 其余几桌都空了 qíyú jǐ zhuō dōu kōng le




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