

词汇 stall
stall | BrE stɔːl, AmE stɔl | A. noun (at market, fair) 货摊 huòtān ; (newspaper stand) 报刊亭 bàokāntíng a cake stall 蛋糕摊 to run a stall 经营摊位 to buy sth from a stall 从摊位上买某物 to set up/take down a stall 搭起/拆掉摊位 to set out one's stall British 表明立场 (in stable) 牲畜棚隔间 shēngchùpéng géjiān Aviation 失速 shīsù ; (of engine) 熄火 xīhuǒ ; (of car) 抛锚 pāomáo to go or get into a stall 进入失速状态 to get out of a stall 脱离失速状态 Architecture (in church) 靠背扶手座位 kàobèi fúshǒu zuòwèi the choir stalls 唱诗班座位 (cubicle for shower, toilet) 小隔间 xiǎo géjiān US (parking space) 车位 chēwèi B. stalls plural noun British 正厅前排座位 zhèngtīng qiánpái zuòwèi C. intransitive verb Motor Vehicles «engine» 熄火 xīhuǒ ; «driver, vehicle» 抛锚 pāomáo the car stalled at a roundabout 汽车在交通环处熄火了 Aviation «pilot, aircraft» 失速 shīsù (play for time) 拖延时间 tuōyán shíjiān to stall for time 拖延时间 tuōyán shíjiān quit or stop stalling! 不要拖延了! (stop, stagnate) «market, talks» 停顿 tíngdùn D. transitive verb Motor Vehicles 使…熄火 shǐ… xīhuǒ engine; 使…抛锚 shǐ… pāomáo vehicle Aviation 使…失速 shǐ… shīsù aircraft (hold up) 拖延 tuōyán negotiations, process, person




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