

词汇 stampede
stampede | BrE stamˈpiːd, AmE stæmˈpid | A. noun (rush of animals) 惊跑 jīngpǎo (rush of humans) 奔逃 bēntáo ; (sudden movement of people) 蜂拥 fēngyōng ; figurative (of people doing the same thing) 热潮 rècháo there was a sudden stampede towards the exit 人们突然涌向出口 falling interest rates have led to a stampede to buy property 利率持续下降引发了一阵购房热 a stampede for sth; 做某事的热潮 US (rodeo) 牛仔竞技表演 niúzǎi jìngjì biǎoyǎn B. intransitive verb (charge) «animals, crowd» 惊跑 jīngpǎo ; (move quickly and in large numbers) 蜂拥 fēngyōng to stampede towards/into … 涌向/涌进 doorsa stampeding elephant 受惊狂奔的大象 C. transitive verb (cause to stampede) 使…狂奔 shǐ… kuángbēn animals, crowd figurative (force the hand of) 使…冲动行事 shǐ… chōngdòng xíngshì personto stampede sb into doing sth; 使某人仓促做某事




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