

词汇 stand back
stand back intransitive verb (move) 往后站 wǎng hòu zhàn the policeman ordered us to stand back 警察命令我们退后 you should stand back from the painting 你应该站得离那幅画远一些 (become detached, objective) 置身事外 zhì shēn shì wài to stand back from sth; 置身于某事物之外 it's time to stand back and look at your career so far 现在你该从旁观者的角度来看一看自己到目前为止的职业生涯了 to stand back from sth (be situated) 不是紧挨着某物 bùshi jǐn āizhe mǒu wù the house stands back from the road 房子离公路有一段距离




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