

词汇 stand by
stand by A. intransitive verb (be prepared) 做好行动准备 zuòhǎo xíngdòng zhǔnbèi the army is standing by with additional supplies 军队随时准备提供更多的补给品 to stand by for sth; 为某事物做好准备 stand by for lift-off! 准备发射! to stand by to do sth; 准备好做某事 we stood by to receive instructions 我们正在待命 (remain uninvolved) 袖手旁观 xiù shǒu páng guān you can't just stand by and do nothing 你不能只是袖手旁观,什么都不做 B. transitive verb [stand by sb] (be loyal to) 支持 zhīchí whatever he does, she always stands by her man 不管她丈夫做什么,她都支持他 [stand by sth] (not break or retract) 遵守 zūnshǒu he stands by everything he said 他从不食言 to stand by one's pledges 信守诺言




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