

词汇 stand up
stand up A. intransitive verb (get to or be on feet) 站立 zhànlì we stood up when the teacher came into the room 老师走进教室时,我们都站了起来 to stand up straight 站直 to be standing up 站着 zhànzhe (stay upright) 直立 zhílì the tripod wouldn't stand up properly 这副三脚架立不起来 to stand up for sth (defend, support) 维护某事物 wéihù mǒu shìwù stand up for what you believe in 你要捍卫你的信仰 she stood up for him when he was accused of dishonesty 他被人指责不诚实时,她站出来为他辩护 to stand up for oneself 自我保护 zìwǒ bǎohù (withstand investigation) 经得起检验 jīngdeqǐ jiǎnyàn the evidence will never stand up in a court of law 这一证据在法庭上根本站不住脚 his case didn't stand up to close scrutiny 他的论据经不起仔细推敲 to stand up to sb (resist) 抵抗某人 dǐkàng mǒu rén to stand up to a bully 反抗恶霸逞凶 fǎnkàng èbà chěngxiōng to stand up to sth (withstand) 经受得住某事物 jīngshòu de zhù mǒu shìwù the car is designed to stand up to our harsh winter climate 这种车的设计使其能够在我们这里冬季的严寒气候里正常行驶 to stand up to a lot of wear and tear 十分耐用 shífēn nàiyòng B. transitive verb [stand sb/sth up, stand up sb/sth] (set upright) 使…站立 shǐ… zhànlì person; 使…直立 shǐ… zhílì objectto stand a ladder up against a wall 把梯子靠墙立着 after the little boy had fallen over, she stood him up 小男孩摔倒后,她把他扶了起来 [stand sb up, stand up sb] informal (fail to meet) 让…白等 ràng… báiděng she said she'd meet me at 7 o'clock, but she stood me up 她说7点钟和我见面,但她失约了 I was stood up 我空等了一场




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