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词汇 start off
start off A. intransitive verb (set off) 出发 chūfā the horse started off at a steady trot 这匹马稳步小跑起来 he started off down the path to the village 他沿着小路向村庄走去 to start off on one's journey 踏上旅途 (do as a first stage) 首先做 shǒuxiān zuò let’s start off with some gentle exercises/by introducing ourselves 我们先来做点强度小的运动/进行自我介绍 I started off working quite hard, but it didn’t last 我一开始干得很卖力,但没有坚持多久 she started off as a secretary and ended up a director 她起初是一名秘书,但最后成了主管 (have as a first stage) 一开始是 yī kāishǐ shì the leaves start off green but turn red later 树叶一开始是绿色,但后来会变红 B. [start sb off] transitive verb (cause to begin) 使开始做 shǐ kāishǐ zuò the company started him off as a shipping clerk 公司一开始让他做的是运务员 don't start her off crying 别把她惹哭了 my mother started me off on the piano when I was three 我三岁时母亲就开始让我学钢琴了 what started her off on that crazy idea? 她怎么会有那么古怪的念头呢? informal (make angry) 使生气 shǐ shēngqì ; (cause to laugh) 使发笑 shǐ fāxiào ; (cause to cry) 弄哭 nòngkū (in race) 给…发起跑信号 gěi… fā qǐpáo xìnhào runnersC. [start sth off, start off sth] transitive verb (do first stage of) 首先进行 shǒuxiān jìnxíng we started off our tour with a visit to the palace 游览一开始,我们就先去参观了宫殿 they started off the season by losing their first four matches 赛季刚开始,他们就输了前4场比赛




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