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词汇 state
state | BrE steɪt, AmE steɪt | A. noun countable (condition) 状况 zhuàngkuàng sb's financial state 某人的经济状况 he is in a confused state of mind 他思维混乱 she's in a poor state of health 她健康状况不佳 the building is in a bad state of repair 这幢建筑年久失修 in a state of undress 赤身裸体的 he's not in a fit state to drive 他现在的状态不宜开车 countable informal (agitated condition) 焦虑不安 jiāolǜ bù'ān to be in a state 焦虑不安 jiāolǜ bù'ān to get (oneself) in or into a state 变得焦虑不安 countable British informal (mess) 脏乱 zāngluàn what a state this place is in! 这地方真够乱的! look at the state of you! 看看你这副邋遢样子! countable (molecular condition) tài a gaseous/solid state 气态/固态 water in a liquid state 液态水 State countable (country) 国家 guójiā a sovereign State 主权国家 EU member State 欧盟成员国 the State of Israel 以色列国 a State within a State 国中之国 State countable (part of country) zhōu the southern States of the US 美国南部各州 countable and uncountable (government) 政府 zhèngfǔ matters or affairs of state 国家大事 the separation of church and state 政教分离 uncountable (formal ceremony) 国事礼仪 guóshì lǐyí robes of state 御礼袍 the President was driven in state to the White House 总统隆重地乘车前往白宫 she will lie in state in Westminster Abbey 她的遗体下葬前将安放在威斯敏斯特大教堂接受吊唁 B. States plural noun the States informal = the United States of America 美国 Měiguó C. adjective (of government) 国家的 guójiā de a state school/company 公立学校/国有企业 state benefits 政府救济金 (of part of country) 州的 zhōu de state taxes 州税 the state legislature 州立法机关 (ceremonial) 国事礼仪的 guóshì lǐyí de a state banquet/coach 国宴/皇家马车 to go on a state visit to Tokyo 对东京进行国事访问 the state apartments 国事活动厅 guóshì huódòngtīng D. transitive verb (say, write) 陈述 chénshù to state one's position 阐明立场 to state one's intention to run for election 表示打算参加竞选 he stated categorically that he knew nothing about the deal 他明确表示对此交易一无所知 it was stated that standards at the hospital were dropping 据称这家医院的医疗水准在下降 to state the obvious 陈述人尽皆知的情况 as stated above/below 如上/下所述 (provide as information) 说明 shuōmíng to state one's name and address 报出姓名和住址 state clearly how many tickets you require 说清楚你需要多少张票 (specify) 规定 guīdìng this is not one of their stated aims 在他们的既定目标里没有这一条 do not exceed the stated dose 不要超过规定的剂量 you must arrive at the stated time or at the time stated 你必须在规定时间到达 Law 陈述 chénshù to state one's case 陈述案情




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