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词汇 serve
serve | BrE səːv, AmE sərv | A. transitive verb (work for) 伺候 cìhou master, mistress; 为…效力 wèi… xiàolì company; 侍奉 shìfèng Godto serve the cause of freedom 为自由的事业而奋斗 to serve one's country/the public 为国家/公众服务 to serve Queen and Country 为女王和国家从军 to serve two masters 侍奉二主 (wait on) 招待 zhāodài customerhave you served the people at table 11? 你为11号桌的客人服务了吗? I can't serve you; you're under age 我不能卖酒给你;你还不到法定年龄 (give) 端上 duānshang food, wine; (give food and drink to) 给…端上饭菜 gěi… duānshang fàncài guestlet me serve you some more beef 我再给你添点儿牛肉 (provide) 供应 gōngyìng mealwe don't serve hot meals after nine o'clock 9点以后我们不卖热餐 dinner is served! 请来用餐! to serve sb sth; 供应某人某食物 to serve sth with sth; 以某物配某物一起上 serves 4 (in recipe) 4人份 (provide assistance, facility to) 为…提供服务 wèi… tígōng fúwù the library exists to serve the community/university 图书馆是为社区/大学服务的 towns not served by the railway 未通火车的城镇 we're very well served with shops in this district 我们这个地区购物很便利 (be useful for) 对…有用 duì… yǒuyòng this old fountain pen has served me well over the years 这支旧钢笔我多年来用着都很好 her sense of direction served her well 她的方向感帮了她的大忙 to serve a purpose 派上用场 to serve the/sb's purpose 满足需求/某人的需求 (it) serves you right figurative informal 你活该 (spend) 度过 dùguo to serve a or one's term 任职一届 Eisenhower served two terms as President 艾森豪威尔担任了两届总统 to serve one's time (as apprentice) 当学徒 (in prison) 服刑 (in the armed forces) 服役 fúyì to serve time or a sentence 服刑 Law 送达 sòngdá summons, court orderto serve notice on sb 向某人发出警告 Sport (in tennis) ace, let «bull, stag» 与…配种 yǔ… pèizhǒng cow, mare, deerB. intransitive verb (provide food and drink) 招待 zhāodài to serve at table 侍候进餐 I usually serve in the cocktail lounge 我通常在鸡尾酒酒吧间做招待 (work) 供职 gòngzhí to serve on a committee/jury 担任委员/陪审员 to serve as sth; 担任某职务 Military 服役 fúyì to serve in the army/navy 在陆军/海军服役 to serve as sth; 担任某军职 formal (meet a need) 有用 yǒuyòng any old excuse will serve when they're late 他们如果迟到了,随便说个老掉牙的理由就管用 this room serves as a spare bedroom 这个房间用作备用卧室 to serve to do sth; 用来做某事 Sport (in tennis) 发球 fāqiú to serve for the set/match 局点/赛点发球 Religion 担任辅祭 dānrèn fǔjì C. noun (in tennis) 发球 fāqiú he has a very big serve 他擅长大力发球 PHRASAL VERBS serve out transitive verb [serve sth out, serve out sth] (distribute) 分发 fēnfā provisions(complete) 完成 wánchéng to serve out a or one's sentence 服满刑期 serve up A. intransitive verb 上饭菜 shàng fàncài B. transitive verb [serve sth up, serve up sth] (put on to plates) 端上 duānshang food, mealderogatory (offer, present) 提供 tígōng they serve up the same old programmes week after week 他们一周又一周地重复播放老掉牙的节目




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