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词汇 service
service | BrE ˈsəːvɪs, AmE ˈsərvəs | A. noun uncountable (by employee, supplier) 效劳 xiàoláo ; (in army) 服役 fúyì years of service 工作年限 a life of (public) service (为公众)服务的一生 ten years' service in the army 在部队服役10年 at sb's service 听候某人吩咐 he gave his life in the service of his country 他为国捐躯 can I be of service? 我能帮忙吗? on Her Majesty's service 为女王陛下效劳 before noun Military 军队的 jūnduì de personnel, lifeservice pay 军饷 (for employees or servants) 供员工或下人使用的 gōng yuángōng huò xiàrén shǐyòng de entrance, stairs uncountable (attention, assistance) 接待 jiēdài we add on 10% for service 我们加收10%的服务费 service to the customer/client 为顾客/客户提供的服务 uncountable (use) 使用 shǐyòng this coat should be good for a lifetime's service 这件外套能穿一辈子 the van has given me excellent service, I've had excellent service from the van 那辆运货车帮了我大忙 to be in service 在使用中 to come into or enter service 开始被采用 to go out of service 被停用 countable (favour) 帮助 bāngzhù to do sb a service 帮某人个忙 countable Business 服务 fúwù a dry-cleaning/money-changing service 干洗/货币兑换服务 it's all part of the service 这是分内事 we badly need the services of a good accountant 我们急需一名优秀的会计 for services rendered 服务费 fúwùfèi countable (government department) 行政部门 xíngzhèng bùmén the customs/diplomatic/health service 海关/外交/卫生部门 the emergency services 应急部门 countable Military 军种 jūnzhǒng high-ranking officers from (each of) the three services 来自陆海空三军的高级军官 the services 军队 he joined the service at the age of 18 他18岁参军 countable Transport 交通服务 jiāotōng fúwù a bus/train/ferry service 公共汽车/火车/轮渡运输服务 it's a 10 minute service on this route 这条线路每隔10分钟发一班车 uncountable and countable Motor Vehicles (maintenance) 检修 jiǎnxiū countable Religion 宗教仪式 zōngjiào yíshì morning/evening service 晨祷/晚祷 a wedding/funeral service 婚礼/葬礼 countable (dinner set) 成套餐具 chéngtào cānjù a silver tea service 一套银质茶具 countable (in tennis) 发球 fāqiú return of service 接发球 countable Law (of summons, warrant, writ) 正式送达 zhèngshì sòngdá services plural British (on motorway) [高速公路旁的] 服务区 fúwùqū B. transitive verb (do maintenance on) 检修 jiǎnxiū machine, car Finance 支付…的利息 zhīfù… de lìxī debt, loan




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