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词汇 set
set | BrE sɛt, AmE sɛt | A. transitive verb past tense, past participle set (place, position) 放置 fàngzhì object; 安置 ānzhì personhis hat was set at a rakish angle 他歪戴着帽子 the castle is set on the bank of a river 城堡位于河岸上 to set guards around the building 在大楼周围布置警卫 I would set the university just below Oxford and Cambridge in terms of prestige 从声望上讲,我觉得这所大学仅次于牛津和剑桥 (arrange, establish) 确定 quèdìng time, venue, target, standard; 树立 shùlì fashionto set a reserve price for sth 为某物定底价 (adjust) 设定 shèdìng to set the alarm (on building) 设定警报器 (on clock) 设闹钟 to set the switch in the on/off position 把开关调到开/关的位置 (put in motion) 使开始 shǐ kāishǐ I'll soon set them on the right track 我很快会拨正他们的思路 she set the motor going 她开动了马达 to set sb thinking 引发某人的思考 to set sb to do sth or doing sth; 让某人做某事 to set oneself to do sth; 给自己安排做某事 (assign, arrange) 布置 bùzhì task, job; 出…的题目 chū… de tímù testwho is setting the biology exam? 谁出生物试题? to set sb a question or problem 给某人出题 the committee has been set the task of drafting a new constitution 委员会受命起草新宪法 (in work of fiction) 以…为背景 yǐ… wéi bèijǐng the next scene is set in an antechamber 下一个场景设在接待室 (fix in decorative setting) 镶嵌 xiāngqiàn gemstoneto set sth in sth; 把某物镶嵌入某物 a gold necklace set with rubies and emeralds 一条镶有红宝石和翡翠的金项链 (write musical accompaniment) 为…谱曲 wèi… pǔqǔ words, librettoto set a poem to music 为一首诗谱曲 Printing pái type; 为…排版 wèi… páibǎn book Medicine 使…复位 shǐ… fùwèi bone, limbto set a leg/arm in plaster 用石膏固定腿/胳膊 (cause to harden) 使…凝固 shǐ… nínggù jam, concrete, dye (style) 使定型 shǐ dìngxíng to have one's hair set 做发型 B. intransitive verb past tense, past participle set (go down) «sun, moon» 落下 luòxia (solidify) «jam, concrete, dye» 凝固 nínggù the glue/cement is very quick to set 这种胶水/水泥凝固得很快 Medicine «bone» 复位 fùwèi (begin) 着手 zhuóshǒu to set to doing sth; 开始做某事 to set to work 着手工作 (assume a fixed expression) 呈现 chéngxiàn her features set into a grimace 她的面部扭曲了 C. noun (of tools, spanners, knives etc.) 一套 yī tào ; (of keys) 一串 yī chuàn ; (of weights) 一组 yī zǔ a set of cutlery 一套餐具 a complete set of Beethoven's symphonies 贝多芬交响乐全集 a set of false teeth 一副假牙 sold in sets 整套出售的 to make up or complete a set 凑成一套 (group with a shared interest) 一类人 yīlèi rén the smart or fashionable set 时尚一族 a member of the literary set 文学圈中的一员 he's not part of our set 他和我们不是一类人 Radio 收音机 shōuyīnjī ; Television 电视机 diànshìjī please do not adjust your set 请不要调台 (of head, shoulders) 姿态 zītài ; (of sails, tide) 方向 fāngxiàng the set of his jaw 他下巴的姿态 the particular set of his mind 他特有的思想倾向 Cinema, Theatre (scenery, setting) 布景 bùjǐng ; (filming area) 摄影场 shèyǐngchǎng ; (stage) 舞台 wǔtái to build/erect a set 搭建/竖起布景 the director gave orders to clear the set 导演命令清场 on (the) set 在拍摄现场 Sport (in tennis) pán a 5-set match 5盘制比赛 Mathematics British School [按学生能力划分的] 教学组 jiàoxuézǔ to be in the top/bottom set for maths 数学成绩名列前茅/垫底 (of hair) 发型 fàxíng Cooking 凝结 níngjié Hunting (of hound) [猎犬发现猎物时所摆出的] 指示姿势 zhǐshì zīshì dead set 固定指示姿势 to make a dead set at sb (attack) 猛烈攻击某人 figurative (try to win the affections of) 竭力讨好某人 jiélì tǎohǎo mǒu rén literary (setting) 下落 xiàluò at set of sun 日落时分 D. adjective (established) 固定的 gùdìng de events usually follow a set pattern 事态通常按固有的模式发展 a set procedure 固定程序 a set phrase/expression 固定词组/表达方式 (rigid, unchanging) 呆板的 dāibǎn de expression; 不变的 bùbiàn de idea, attitude, positionto be set in one's ways 固执己见 to be set fair «weather» 持续晴好 School (assigned for study) 指定的 zhǐdìng de book, subject, topic (ready) 作好准备的 zuòhǎo zhǔnbèi de ready, (get) set, go! 各就位,预备,跑! to be all set 一切准备就绪 (determined) 下定决心的 xiàdìng juéxīn de to be set on sth/doing sth; 对某事物下了决心/决心做某事 they seem set on ruining our chances 他们似乎一心想毁掉我们的机会 to be set against sth/doing sth; 坚决反对某事物/做某事 (likely) 很有可能的 hěn yǒu kěnéng de to be set to do sth; 很可能做某事 (in restaurant) set meal or menu 套餐 tàocān PHRASAL VERBS set about: transitive verb [set about sth] (begin purposefully) 着手干 zhuóshǒu gàn jobto set about doing sth; 着手做某事 [set about sb] British informal (attack) 袭击 xíjī to set about sb with a stick/hammer; 用棍子/锤子打某人 set against transitive verb (cause to be in conflict with) to set sb against sb/sth; 使某人反对某人/某事物 shǐ mǒu rén fǎnduì mǒu rén/mǒu shìwù the dispute set father against son, brother against brother 这一争端使得父子成仇,兄弟反目 (offset against) to set sth against sth; 把某事物与某事物相比 bǎ mǒu shìwù yǔ mǒu shìwù xiāngbǐ the benefits seem very small set against the magnitude of the risk 与巨大的风险相比,收益似乎太微不足道了 set apart transitive verb [set sb/sth apart, set apart sb/sth] 使与众不同 shǐ yǔ zhòng bù tóng what sets her apart is the elegance of her prose style 她的散文风格典雅,使她的写作独具特色 set aside transitive verb [set sth aside, set aside sth] (put to one side) 把…放到一边 bǎ… fàngdào yībiān he set aside his newspaper 他把报纸搁到一边 (disregard, ignore) 抛开 pāokāi differences, prejudices, pride, jealousy(dedicate) 省出 shěngchū money; 留出 liúchū timeLaw (cancel) 撤销 chèxiāo decision; 驳回 bóhuí sentenceset back: transitive verb [set sth back, set back sth] (position to the rear) 把…往后放 bǎ… wǎng hòu fàng the house is set back from the road 房子离公路有一段距离 [set sb/sth back, set back sb/sth] (cause delay to) 耽搁 dānge project, worka technical problem set us back three days 一个技术问题让我们耽搁了3天 [set sb back] informal (be an expense to) that must have set you back a bit! 那一定花了你不少钱! it only set me back $5 这只花了我5美元 set by: transitive verb [set sth by, set by sth] 留出 liúchū moneyset down A. [set sth down, set down sth] transitive verb (put down) 放下 fàngxia (record) 写下 xiěxia to set sth down in writing or on paper 把某事物记录在案 (fix, arrange) 确定 quèdìng they've set down Friday as the day for the hearing 他们确定于星期五召开听证会 (land) 使…降落 shǐ… jiàngluò planeB. [set sb down, set down sb] transitive verb (allow to alight) 让…下车 ràng… xiàchē passengersset forth A. intransitive verb literary 出发 chūfā to set forth on a journey 动身旅行 B. transitive verb [set sth forth, set forth sth] formal 陈述 chénshù conditions, proposalset in intransitive verb «winter, bad weather» 来临 láilín ; «disease, complications» 发作 fāzuò the frosts have set in early this year 今年霜来得早 the rain has set in for the night 晚上下起了雨 set off A. intransitive verb «traveller, expedition» 动身 dòngshēn she set off down the hill/for the station 她向山下/车站走去 to set off on a journey; 动身上路 to set off to do sth; 出发去做某事 she set off on a long explanation figurative 她开始进行冗长的解释 B. [set off sth, set sth off] transitive verb (trigger) 触发 chùfā alarm; 引爆 yǐnbào firework, bomb(initiate) 引发 yǐnfā to set off a chain of events 引发一连串事件 (enhance) 衬托 chèntuō colour, jewel, decoration(counterbalance) 弥补 míbǔ loss, withdrawalto set sth off against sth; 用某物抵消某物 C. [set sb off] transitive verb informal (cause to begin) 使开始 shǐ kāishǐ you've set the baby off again! 你又把孩子弄哭了! to set sb off doing sth; 使某人开始做某事 the tickle in his throat set him off coughing 他嗓子发痒,引起了一阵咳嗽 set on: transitive verb [set on sb] (attack) 袭击 xíjī they were set on by a gang of bigger boys 他们遭到了一伙年纪稍大的男孩的攻击 (cause to pursue) to set sth/sb on sb; 让某物/某人追击某人 ràng mǒu wù/mǒu rén zhuījī mǒu rén they set the police on me 他们叫警察来抓我 set out A. intransitive verb (leave) 出发 chūfā to set out on sth; 动身开始某事 to set out on a long journey 动身踏上长途旅行 (begin with intention) to set out to do sth; 有意做某事 yǒuyì zuò mǒu shì to set out to earn a lot of money 打算挣大钱 dǎsuàn zhèng dàqián B. transitive verb [set sth out, set out sth] (display, lay out) 摆放 bǎifàng goods, chess pieces(present) 陈述 chénshù ideas, proposals, reasonsset to intransitive verb dated (begin energetically) 起劲地干起来 qǐjìn de gàn qilai they set to and soon finished the job 他们大干起来,很快就完成了工作 (begin to fight) 开始扭打 kāishǐ niǔdǎ they set to with fists and feet (flying) 他们开始拳打脚踢起来 set up A. [set sth up, set up sth] transitive verb (erect) 搭起 dāqǐ stall, stand; 建起 jiànqǐ monument, memorialthe photographer took some time to set up all her equipment 这位摄影师花了点时间把全部摄影器材布放到位 (establish) 开办 kāibàn company; 设立 shèlì tribunal, fund(produce, start) 引发 yǐnfā to set up a commotion/turbulence/noise 引起喧闹/骚乱/吵闹 the monkeys set up a great racket when the tiger approached 老虎走近时,猴子们大叫起来 (arrange) 安排 ānpái meeting, discussionPrinting pái type; 为…排版 wèi… páibǎn pageto set up a column in type 为一个专栏排版 B. [set sb up, set up sb] transitive verb (establish) 扶持 fúchí to set sb up in business 扶助某人创业 (equip) 配备 pèibèi to set sb up with sth; 用某物装备某人 I'm pretty well set up with the sort of tools I need 我已经把我需要的工具准备齐全 to be set up for life 一生衣食无忧 British informal (frame) 诬陷 wūxiàn I was well and truly set up 我被他们彻底陷害了 to set sb up as or to be sth; (claim) 声称某人是某物 (pretend) 假称某人是某物 jiǎchēng mǒu rén shì mǒu wù the critics are trying to set her up as the great white hope of British cinema 评论家们试图把她捧为英国电影界的巨大希望 C. intransitive verb to set up in business 创业 chuàngyè to set up as sth; 从事某事 cóngshì mǒu shì I hear you're setting up as a caterer 我听说你要做餐饮 D. to set oneself up reflexive verb (establish oneself) to set oneself up as sth; 从事某事 cóngshì mǒu shì she set herself up as a hairdresser 她做起了美发师 tā zuòqǐle měifàshī (claim to be) to set oneself up as sth; 自夸为某物 zìkuā wéi mǒu wù I don't set myself up as or to be an expert 我不敢自诩为专家 set upon transitive verb = set on




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