

词汇 revert
revert | BrE rɪˈvəːt, AmE rəˈvərt | intransitive verb (return) 回复 huífù to revert to sth; 回复到某状态 fields that have reverted to moorland 恢复为高沼地的田野 the company has reverted to outdated methods of distribution 公司又恢复了过时的分销方式 Biology «animal, plant» 返祖 fǎnzǔ to revert to type 返祖 fǎnzǔ (return to topic) «speaker» 重提 chóngtí to revert to sth; 又提到某事物 he reverted to the original matter under discussion 他又回到原来讨论的问题上 Law «title, estate» 归属 guīshǔ if he dies without an heir, his property reverts to his brother 如果他死亡时没有继承人,他的财产归属他兄弟




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