

词汇 revolution
revolution | BrE rɛvəˈluːʃ(ə)n, AmE ˌrɛvəˈluʃ(ə)n | noun countable and uncountable (against government) 革命 gémìng to stir up or foment or incite revolution 煽动革命 the French Revolution 法国大革命 countable figurative (dramatic change) 革命性巨变 gémìngxìng jùbiàn to bring about a revolution 带来巨变 the Industrial Revolution 工业革命 the green revolution 绿色革命 countable (circular motion) 天体运行 tiāntǐ yùnxíng a revolution round sth; 围绕某物的旋转 the revolution of the moon round the earth 月亮绕着地球的运行 200 revolutions per minute 每分钟200转 each revolution of the wheel takes ten seconds 车轮每转一周需要10秒




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