

词汇 amount
amount | BrE əˈmaʊnt, AmE əˈmaʊnt | noun (quantity) (数)量 (shù)liàng large amounts of cash 大量现金 a small amount of onlookers 少数旁观者 a considerable or fair amount of … 相当多的… quite an amount 不小的数目 an enormous amount of harm 极大的危害 a certain amount of respect/imagination 一定的尊重/想象力 no amount of persuasion would make him come 无论怎么劝,他都不肯来 (total) 金额 jīn'é can you afford this amount? 你付得起这笔钱吗? debts to the amount of £20,000 总额达2万英镑的债务 the outstanding amount, the amount outstanding 未付金额 the amount of turnover 营业额 PHRASAL VERB amount to transitive verb [amount to sth] (add up to) 总计 zǒngjì a cargo amounting to 2,000 tons 共计2,000吨的货物 (be equivalent to) 相当于 xiāngdāng yú it amounts to blackmail 这等于勒索 it amounts to the same thing (to sb) (对某人而言)都是一回事 the rain didn't amount to much 雨并没有下大 he'll never amount to much 他绝不会有多大出息的




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